The Undertheblue Button Badge Challenge!
If you spot someone wearing an Undertheblue Button Badge. Get them to give you its unique badge number, (which can be found on the back) take a note of where you were (geographic location, e.g. Wolverhampton Town Centre) when you saw the badge and email both the badge number and the location where you spotted the badge and I will send you your very own Undertheblue Button Badge free of charge! *
Ensure you include a postal address and your name so I can send you your very own badge. Good Luck and keep your eyes pealed!
All data collected as part of the Undertheblue Button Badge Challenge will only be used to administer the Undertheblue Button Badge Challenge. No data will be forwarded to any third party.
* (Only one badge per household/email address/unique number.) There are a maximum of 25 badges up for grabs as part of the challenge. Once a unique badge id has been used to secure a badge the badge and its number are withdrawn from the Button Badge Challenge.